

Mary Lish
Historian, Researcher
Mary is a family researcher with over 40 years of experience, and she has computerized several cemeteries and funeral home records, including photo databases of same. Especially adept in tracking down where historical records have been stored.
Glenn Geisheimer
Historian, Researcher
Glenn is the creator of the Old Newark web sites which include information on the city as well as over 1000 resident memories and over 24,000 photos of the city. The sites were created in 1997. |
Dan Silva
Historian, Reseacher



Tom Peters
Genealogist, Lecturer, Researcher
Professional genealogist with expertise in German and Slavic ancestry. Extraordinary researcher who thinks outside the box and solves complex family brick walls. Known lecturer in Carpatho-Rusyn history and ancestry. |
Kathryn Peters
Genealogist, Researcher, Lecturer
Kathryn Peters has been active in genealogy since 1976 with a specialty in early New England and New Jersey research with a focus on Newark, NJ. She also has experience with Irish and German-American research. She held positions in the DAR and is a member of the Carpatho-Rusyn Society, FHIGS, and NEHGS. She has lectured in New Jersey & Pennsylvania on Beginning Genealogy. |
Jody Lutter
Genealogist and Blogger
Concentrating on New Jersey and New York research, plus DNA research
Family History Research Blog
Instagram Facebook Google Link |



Marjie Ewin
Family researcher with a post graduate degree in Library Science. Known for her tenacious digging to find original records in the tri-state area with an insatiable desire for documenting same. Just one of her current projects includes building a database of those souls buried in Newark City Cemetery (Potter’s Field) where there is no known listing of burials. She is on the board of a large Newark cemetery. |
Kelly Vogel Cooper
Professional family researcher with over 20y experience, fluent in Russian, with proficiency in Latin, French & German records. Specific expertise with church & cemetery records with a focus on LDS searching. Widespread contacts throughout the genealogy community in the US & Europe affording resources outside typical sources. |
Patricia Meravi
Exceptional researcher into complicated family lines using a myriad of records including federal, municipal, church, cemetery, funeral home, and other databases. Historical research into locating original records, with a specialized focus on religious records. |



Kevin Olvaney
Historian, Researcher
A Newark native with generations back to the mid 1800s, Kevin has done extensive research at the Alexander Library at Rutgers University, as well as at the Seton Hall and NJ State Archives. Specific areas of expertise include the history of Newark Firemen and the Catholic records of the Newark Archdiocese. |
Melissa A. Johnson
Genealogist, Lecturer, Reseacher
Melissa A. Johnson is a Certified Genealogist® specializing in genealogical research, lecturing, writing, editing and publishing. She has expertise in researching families with origins in New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and the British Isles. Melissa has extensively researched the families of many of New Jersey’s first settlers, including those from Newark and Elizabeth(town). She has worked on several projects for television shows, including Genealogy Roadshow, and Spoorloos, a popular Dutch television series focused on reuniting long-lost relatives. Melissa has assisted many researchers with dual citizenship matters and lineage society memberships. She is also proficient in using DNA test results to break through ancestral brick walls and assist adoptees and others with unknown parentage.
For a listing of services and upcoming lectures please visit Johnson Genealogy Services |
Rev. Michael C. Barone
Rev. Michael C. Barone, a Catholic priest of the Archdiocese of Newark, is Chaplain for its Office of Catholic Cemeteries. There are 11 Archdiocesan and 16 Parish cemeteries. Father Barone has a master’s degree in Archives and Public History and his educational background in Classical Languages contributed to his knowledge of Latin. |